Ø Programme RO20 – Domestic and Gender-based Violence
List of Norwegian entities with competencies in the field of the programme RO20 (.doc)
The programme is implemented in partnership with the following institutions:
The Norwegian Police Directorate is the structure in Norway subordinated to the Ministry of Justice and the Police that has as primary tasks professional management, supervision and development of the Norwegian police within the framework stipulated by the Ministry.
Official web page: https://www.politi.no/
The Council of Europe is an international organisation with 47 European member states. Its core objective is to promote and protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. CoE’s action revolves around the complete cycle of standard setting, monitoring and co-operation activities. In its areas of expertise, the CoE sets recognized international standards, including over 200 international treaties, and identifies best practices. Compliance with a number of these standards is then assessed and monitored by specific Council of Europe bodies and mechanisms. The CoE also has significant experience in managing and implementing technical assistance and capacity-building activities based on these standards and, where appropriate, on the results of the various monitoring exercises.
Official web page: www.coe.int
Ø Programme RO23 – Correctional Services, including Non-custodial Sanctions
The programme is implemented in partnership with the following institution:
The Norwegian Correctional Services (KSF- Kriminalomsdirektoratet) are a department within the Norwegian Ministry of Security and Justice, having competencies in the field of administration of the penitentiary and probation systems. The Norwegian Correctional Services are responsible for carrying out remands in custody and penal sanctions in a way that takes into consideration the security of all citizens and attempts to prevent recidivism by enabling the offenders, through their own initiatives, to change their criminal behaviour. The KSF also make remand places available to the police.
Official web page: http://www.kriminalomsorgen.no/
Ø Programme RO24 – Judicial Capacity-building and Cooperation
The programme is implemented in partnership with the following institutions:
The Norwegian Courts Administration is the central administration for all the courts in Norway. The Norwegian Courts Administration acts as a support and service agency for the courts and plays an important part in developing strategic plans that enable the courts to meet the challenges presented before them. The Norwegian Courts Administration seeks to make conditions favourable for the courts in order to ensure reasonable and efficient operation. The Norwegian Court Administration works to increase public confidence in the courts.
Official web page: www.domstoladministrasjonen.no
The Council of Europe is an international organisation with 47 European member states. Its core objective is to promote and protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. CoE’s action revolves around the complete cycle of standard setting, monitoring and co-operation activities. In its areas of expertise, the CoE sets recognized international standards, including over 200 international treaties, and identifies best practices. Compliance with a number of these standards is then assessed and monitored by specific Council of Europe bodies and mechanisms. The CoE also has significant experience in managing and implementing technical assistance and capacity-building activities based on these standards and, where appropriate, on the results of the various monitoring exercises.
Official web page: www.coe.int
Handbook on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons between Romania and Norway