During the first quarter of 2014, a call for proposal having 3 priority areas will be launched under the programme, as follows:
“Supporting the network of units in the framework of the Law on domestic violence”, in view of setting up of shelters/recovery centres/counselling centres for the victims of domestic violence or supporting and improving the functioning of the ones and improving the provided services.. 1.294.539 Euro will be made available for this priority.
Project grant value: minimum 170.000 – maximum 500.000 Euro
“Awareness and sensitising activities”, under which 529.412 Euro will be made available, from which a special allocation of 317.647 Euro will be made available for actions undertaken for increasing the awareness and understanding among the Roma population on the harmful effects of domestic violence.
Project grant value: minimum 170.000 – maximum 250.000 Euro
“Training activities for the professionals activating in the field of domestic violence”, under which 452.941 Euro will be made available.
Project grant value: minimum 170.000 – maximum 250.000 Euro
The eligible applicants will be public institutions from local and central level, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, and inter-governmental organisations operating in Romania.
More details can be found on the following pages:
Open Calls | Closed Calls