Call under the bilateral fund



Results of the selection process of the projects submitted within the call under the bilateral fund



The Ministry of Justice, in its capacity of Programme Operator, announces the launch of the call for the Bilateral Fund at the level of the Programme RO20 "Domestic and Gender-based violence". The fund is managed by the Programme Operator and its main purpose is to facilitate the networking and exchange of experience between project promoters and donor state entities.

  • Bilateral Fund Budget
    The budget foreseen for this fund is maximum 80.033,36 Euro. The maximum amount allotted to the fund for bilateral relations at programme level may be supplemented if additional funds will be available.

  • Eligible projects/ Measures
    The fund has been exclusively set aside for financing activities under measure 3.6.1 b) of the Regulation on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 – networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between entities in the Beneficiary State in the Donor States and international organisations within the relevant programme area.
    The projects are eligible in the event of concluding a partnership agreement with a Norwegian partner or a clear commitment from a Norwegian entity is provided. In this latter case, a letter of intent attesting the involvement in the project is sufficient, however the partnership agreement will have to be provided within 30 days after the deadline for submitting the project application indicated in the present call.

  • Eligible applicants of the call
    The eligible applicants under the call are:
    - the project promoters of the predefined projects and of the projects selected under the call launched within the RO20 programme, respectively: the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police; the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons; General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sibiu; Public Service of Social Assistance Baia Mare; General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Brăila; General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Iași; General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Olt ; General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Buzău; Foundation for Support of the Elderly; General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Vaslui; Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly through the Department for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men; Association Club Ecotur Dora D’Istria; AEPADO – European Association for Human Rights Protection; Transilvania University of Brașov; Save the Children Romania.

  • Partnerships
    The projects are eligible in the event of concluding a partnership agreement with a Norwegian partner or a clear commitment from a Norwegian entity is provided (see section Eligible projects/ Measures).
    The eligible applicants under the call may conclude partnerships between themselves or with other organisations from Romania and Norway.
    Public institution may conclude partnerships with private organisations (NGOs and non-profit) only after following a transparent and non-discriminatory selection procedure, according to the Romanian legislation (namely the Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO) no. 23 of 3rd of April 2013 on the financial management of non-reimbursable external funds related to the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and the Methodological rules for applying the provisions of GEO no. 23/2013 – Order no. 1683/659 October 7th 2013).
    A project promoter - public institution cannot directly submit an application in partnership with a private organization, even in case this latter entity is a project promoter as well, therefore is an eligible applicant.

  • Budget of the application
    The maximum value of an application submitted by one Project Promoter is 15.000 Euro.

  • Selection procedure
    The applications will be assessed by the Cooperation Committee according to the following selection criteria:
    - Compliance with the programme objectives and outcomes;
    - The rationality of expenditures (level of financing);
    - The period of eligibility;
    - Sustainability;
    - Quality of the proposed application regarding its relevance, budget and cost effectiveness, consistency, methodology and expected results.

  • Deadlines
    The fund is open for submitting applications from .08.2015 until 02.11.2015. The date of submission of the application is considered the postage/courier date. In case of personal submission, the deadline for submission at the Ministry of Justice is 02.11.2015, 17:00 hours.
    Deadlines for the implementation of actions/projects: 31/07/2016
    The submitted grant applications shall be continuously evaluated, following the order of their registration, until the entire financial allocation is spent.

  • Grant rate
    The grant rate is 100 % of eligible costs.

  • Payments
    The applicable system of payments, considering the relevant legislation and based on the financing needs of the proposed action/project, is detailed below:
    1. When the project promoter is a national or local public institution – the applicable system of payments will be advance payments and balance payments
    - The payment system involves the provision of an advance payment for carrying out programmed activities of maximum 90% of the eligible amount of the project/action and, if applicable, a final payment, based on a final payment request.
    2. When the project promoter is a private organization established as a legal person in Romania – the applicable system of payments will be reimbursement of the incurred costs;
    - The reimbursement system involves the transfer of an advance payment in amount of 30% of the eligible amount of the project/action, plus the payment of the expenditures already incurred by the Beneficiary, based on a request for reimbursement of the actual incurred expenditure.

  • Eligibility of expenditures
    The period of eligibility of expenditures is set from the date foreseen in the financing contract until the deadline for the projects implementation, as indicated above within section “Deadlines”.
    According to article 7.7- Funds for bilateral relations of the Regulation on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism costs incurred for networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between entities in the Beneficiary State and entities in the Donor States and international organisations, within the RO20 programme may be eligible under the fund for bilateral relations at programme level.
    External travel costs including accommodation and subsistence allowances shall be calculated as a lump sum. Thus, according to art. 3 of the MEF Order no. 1055/2014 for travels between 3 and 4 days with accommodation requirements between 2 and 3 nights the lump sum shall be 1.600 Euro/person. For travels between 5 and 6 days with accommodation requirements between 4 and 5 nights, the lump sum shall be 2.000 Euro/person. For travels that require a different timeframe, the real cost based on justified documents shall be used. For all travels, the beneficiaries shall present the boarding passes and the travel report. The lump sums shall be authorised only if the purpose of the travel is achieved.
    The VAT is an eligible expenditure provided that it cannot be recovered by the beneficiary and/or partner.
    For the expenditures incurred by a project partner located in a donor state, a report issued by a certified and independent auditor, certifying that all expenditures have been incurred in compliance with the regulations in force, with the national legislation and with the accounting practices in the beneficiary’s country, may be considered sufficient proof for the expenditures incurred.

  • Submission of applications
    The application file shall include:
    - the Grant Application Form (Annex 1) signed by the legal representative;
    - the Declaration regarding avoidance of double financing (Annex 7);
    - the Partnership Agreement (Annex 9) or letter of intent (in this case the partnership agreement has to be submitted within 30 days after the deadline for submitting the project application).
    All the documents contained by the application file shall be filled in English, unless expressly requested otherwise.
    The applications shall be submitted in hard copy to the following address: Ministerul Justiției, str. Apolodor, nr. 17, sector 5, cod postal 050741, București, România.

  • Contracting
    The applicants selected to receive grants shall be contacted and shall sign a financing contract with the Programme Operator. The financing contract shall establish the terms and conditions of the grant, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the parties, provisions related to payments and reporting.

  • Legal framework
    1. Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014;
    2. Regulation on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014;
    3. The Memoranda of Understanding on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014;
    4. The guidelines adopted by the Financial Mechanism Committee/Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to the Regulations, such as the Guideline for strengthened bilateral relations - EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014;
    5. The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 6/2013 on the modification and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 96/2012 establishing measures to reorganize the central government and for amendment of legislation;
    6. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 88/2012 on the institutional framework for coordination, implementation and management of financial assistance granted to Romania through the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the programming period 2009-2014, approved and amended through the Law no. 246/2013;
    7. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 23/2013 on the financial management of the external non-reimbursable grants related to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and to the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, approved and amended by the Law no. 242/2013, as well as the methodology rules for its implementation, approved by Order no. 659/24.07.2013;
    8. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 on the assignment of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts, and services concession contracts, as amended;
    9. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 66/2011 on the prevention, identification and sanctioning of irregularities appeared in the management of European funds and / or national public funds, as modified.
    10. Minister of European Funds’ Order no. 1055/2014 regarding the application of lump sums in the case of travels financed under the Funds for Bilateral Relations at national and programme level under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

  • Annexes:
    1. Grant Application Form;
    2. Financing contract;
    3. Payment request;
    4. Implementation report;
    5. List of supporting documents;
    6. Declaration regarding avoidance of double-financing;
    7. Evaluation grid;
    8. Partnership Agreement;
    9. List of potential Norwegian partners.

  • Contact:
    Ministerul Justiției, str. Apolodor, nr. 17, sector 5, cod postal 050741, București, România, Direcția Programe Europene, e-mail address:



  To the attention of the project promoters for the call for proposals launched within the RO20 Programme „Domestic and gender based violence” funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014:


  Please note that additional funds have been identified for funding other 2 projects on the reserve list, as follows:


No. Crt.

Priority area

Registration no.


Project Promoter


I. Financing priority „Supporting the network of units in the framework of the Law on domestic violence”, having the following types of financing activities: Setting up of shelters/recovery centres/counselling centres for the victims of domestic violence or supporting and improving the functioning of the already set up shelters/recovery centres/ counselling centres for the victims of domestic violence and improving the services provided by the shelter/recovery centre/counselling centre Setting up or supporting of counselling centres for perpetrators and/or setting up or supporting of perpetrator programmes
€ 1,294,539 (€ 1,100,358.15 Norway grant and € 194,160.85 national co-financing)





1. DGASPC Galaţi
2. Asociaţia Aura 2010
3. Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială Brăila
4. Asociaţia pentru Dezvoltare Educaţională, Economică şi Socială Danubius
5. Asociaţia de Recuperare Fitomed Vaslui
6. DGASPC Vaslui
7. IPJ Galaţi









  To the attention of the project promoters for the call for proposals launched within the RO20 Programme „Domestic and gender based violence” funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014:


 Please note that additional funds have been identified for funding 4 projects on the reserve list, as follows:

No. Crt.

Priority area

Registration no.


Project Promoter


I. Financing priority „Supporting the network of units in the framework of the Law on domestic violence”, having the following types of financing activities: Setting up of shelters/recovery centres/counselling centres for the victims of domestic violence or supporting and improving the functioning of the already set up shelters/recovery centres/ counselling centres for the victims of domestic violence and improving the services provided by the shelter/recovery centre/counselling centre Setting up or supporting of counselling centres for perpetrators and/or setting up or supporting of perpetrator programmes
€ 1,294,539 (€ 1,100,358.15 Norway grant and € 194,160.85 national co-financing)

1 şi


Integrated services for victims of domestic violence and domestic aggressors


Fundaţia „Episcop Melchisedec” - Filiala Bacău



Emergency centre for the family violence victims from Olt County





We help you to be safe - Rehabilitation centre for the family violence victims



II. Second financing priority „Awareness and sensitising activities”, having the following types of financing activities:
€ 529,412 (€ 450,000.2 Norway grant and € 79,411.8 national co-financing) Actions undertaken for increasing the awareness and understanding among the Roma population on the harmful effects of domestic violence in a gender-sensitive way - € 317,647 (€270,000 Norway grant and € 47,647 national co-financing)



Together for change


Asociaţia UNIT





























  To the attention of the project promoters for the call for proposals launched within the RO20 Programme „Domestic and gender based violence” funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014:

Please note that for projects on the reserve list there are no funds available at this moment.

To the extent that additional funds will be identified, subject to the Donors further approval, the Programme Operator (MoJ) shall establish the priority areas of the call to allocate additional funds as well as the amounts available.

Within the priority areas or sub-areas, funding shall be granted to the projects on the reserve list, according to the rankings published on the Program Operator’s website.

The applicants from the reserve list shall be notified in writing on the possibility to conclude a financing contract in approximated 2 months’ time.


To the attention of the project promoters for the call for proposals launched within the RO20 Programme „Domestic and gender based violence” funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, we hereby inform you that it has been finalized the selection process of the projects submitted within the present call.


In this regard, please find below:


1.    List of admitted projects

2.    Projects on the reserve list 

3.    List of rejected projects


  Final results of the phase - administrative and eligibility criteria - for the project proposals submitted within the call for proposals launched for the Programme RO 20 ”Domestic and gender based violence” funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.  cele doua liste, respectiv

- Projects admitted

- Project rejected






Agenda for the information day on the launching of the call for projects proposals under the programme area RO20 ”Domestic and Gender-based Violence” (.doc)


The Ministry of Justice in Romania has launched a call for proposals within the Programme „RO20 Domestic and Gender‐based Violence“ funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 to be open between February 3 and April 16 2014.


The projects financed through the Programme will need to contribute to achieving the general objective of the Programme, respectively reducing domestic violence in Romania.


Within the framework of the Programme, the following priorities will be financed:


  • Supporting the network of units[1] in the framework of the Law on domestic violence;
  • Awareness and sensitising activities;
  • Training activities for the professionals working in the field of domestic violence.


The eligible project promoters within the Programme, as extensively described in the Guidelines for applicants, are:

  • Romanian public institutions with legal attributions in the field;
  • Non-commercial and/or non-governmental organisations established as legal persons in Romania; 
  • Inter-governmental organisations with legal attributions in the field operating in Romania.

The value of the grant a project promoter may receive depends on the call priority and it ranges between the minimum limit of 170.000 Euros and the maximum limit of 500.000 Euros, to which the co-financing of the beneficiaries can be added, under the conditions described in the Call for project proposals.


The deadline submitting the project proposals is April 16, 2014, postal date, or April 16 2014, 05.00 pm, in case of personal submission of the project proposal. Projects submitted after the deadline indicated above are not eligible. 


NOTA BENE! The submission of the projects is possible throughout the whole period of the opening of the call and can be done personally, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Department for European Programmes secretariat (4th floor, room A4 or 4th floor, room 19) within the Ministry of Justice situated in Apolodor Street, no. 17, district 5, Bucharest, postal code 050741 or at the same address by postal services/regular mail/courier soliciting/keeping the receipt delivery.



The project proposals will be subject to the evaluation procedure in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and other programming documents available on the webpage dedicated to the program,, section "Open Calls".

[1] In accordance with the provisions of the Law no. 217/2003, republished, regarding the prevention and fighting against domestic violence


Call for project proposals (pdf)


List of Norwegian entities with competencies in the field of the programme RO20 (.doc)

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