Programme Operator

According to Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 concluded between the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of Romania and the Emergency Government Ordinance no 88/ 12.12.2012 regarding the institutional framework for the coordination, implementation and management of the financial assistance granted to Romania through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2009-2014, the Romanian Ministry of Justice is the Programme Operator for the following financing programmes:


·         RO20 – Domestic and Gender-based Violence

·         RO23 – Correctional Services, including Non-custodial Sanctions

·         RO24 – Judicial Capacity-building and Cooperation


The Romanian Ministry of Justice is the specialised body of the central public administration, under the subordination of the Government, which contributes to the good functioning of the justice system and ensures the conditions for the achievement of justice as a public service, protects the rule of law and the citizens’ rights and freedoms

RO20 Programme

RO20 – Domestic and Gender-based violence

General objective: gender-based violence prevented and tackled    


Specific objective: to reduce the gender based violence in Romania and support the victims of trafficking


Budget: € 4,705,882.35 (out of which € 4,000,000 Norway grant and € 705,882.35 national co-financing amounting 15%, ensured by the Programme Operator – the Ministry of Justice)


Programme partners: the Norwegian Police Directorate and the Council of Europe


Programme duration: 2013 – 2017


The programme will be implemented through:

•           Two pre-defined projects;

•           A call for proposals having 3 priority areas of financing, namely:

“Supporting the network of units in the framework of the Law on domestic violence”, which will make available 1.294.539 Euro

“Awareness and sensitising activities”, which will make available 529.412 Euro

“Training activities for the professionals activating in the field of domestic violence”, which will make available 452.941Euro

RO23 Programme

RO23 – Correctional Services, including Non-custodial Sanctions

General objective: Improved correctional services systems in compliance with relevant international human rights instruments.

Specific objective: To increase the efficiency of the Romanian penitentiary and probation systems.

Budget: 9.411.765 Euro (8.000.000 Euro Norway grants + 1.411.765 Euro national co-financing amounting 15%, ensured by the Programme Operator – the Ministry of Justice).

Programme partners: the Norwegian Correctional Services

Programme duration: 2013 – 2017


The programme will be implemented through 6 pre-defined projects
RO24 Programme

RO24 – Judicial Capacity-building and Cooperation


General objective: A fairer and more efficient judicial system in the context of the implementation of the new judicial codes


Specific objective: Development the capacity of the Romanian judicial system in view of the adequate implementation of the new judicial codes


Budget: 9.411.765 Euro (8.000.000 euro Norway grants + 1.411.765 Euro national co-financing amounting 15%, ensured by the Programme Operator – the Ministry of Justice)


Programme partners: Norwegian Courts Administration and the Council of Europe


Programme duration: 2013 – 2017


The programme will be implemented through 3 pre-defined projects


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