1. Project „No domestic violence!” - EN
Objective: The development of the network of social assistance units within the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sibiu, by creating a Centre in the town of Tălmaciu that provides temporary housing in cases of emergency and effective and consistent support for victims of domestic and gender-based violence.
Component 1: Setting up a Centre that provides temporary housing in cases of emergency for the victims of domestic violence in Sibiu County, by rehabilitating and endowing a building in the city of Tălmaciu;
Component 2: Developing a guide for intervention in cases of domestic violence for the institutions at county level working in the field of domestic violence, in order to set clear procedures and working tools for each institution and to facilitate access of the beneficiaries to the services of the Centre by providing uniform services;
Component 3: Promoting at Sibiu county level the services provided to victims of domestic violence through the Centre, by carrying out a promotional campaign of the Centre and its available services.
Project Promoter: General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sibiu
Partners: Sibiu County Council, City Hall Tălmaciu
Budget: 305.689,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
2. Project „Integrated solutions for domestic violence” EN
Objective: Developing measures and integrated services to reduce domestic violence addressed to both victims and aggressors.
Component 1: Setting up a counselling centre for aggressors in Baia Mare by planning and equipping a space provided by the SPAS Baia Mare and also rehabilitating and endowing a centre in Baia Mare Penitentiary for developing activities with the aggressors who are serving a custodial sentence;
Component 2: Supporting a shelter / counselling centre for victims of domestic violence previously set up, by implementing a new case management technique, by providing integrated support services (psychological, social, medical, legal etc.) and by organizing a campaign to promote the services available in local communities.
Project Promoter: Public Service of Social Assistance Baia Mare
Partners: Penitentiary Baia Mare, SC Mindustries SRL, the Nongovernmental Professional Association for Social Assistance ASSOC, Maramureș County Police Inspectorate
Budget: 362.075,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
3. Project „Setting up two counselling centres and hosting for victims of domestic violence in the county of Brăila” - EN
Objective: Diversification of services offered to victims of domestic violence in the county of Braila.
Component 1: Setting up two centres for sheltering victims of domestic violence, by renovating and endowing two apartments owned by General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Braila, thus ensuring the possibility of hosting the victims in special locations;
Component 2: Conducting an information campaign to prevent domestic violence by developing specialized intervention tools;
Component 3: Strengthening prevention and intervention actions in cases of domestic violence at county level;
Component 4: Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation in order to alert and investigate cases of domestic violence, by carrying out activities in partnership with institutions with responsibilities in this area, in the county of Braila.
Project Promoter: General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Brăila
Partner: Brăila County Police Inspectorate
Budget: 182.266,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
4. Project „Safety and Support - Optimization of the services of the Social Centre for the Protection of the Victims of Domestic Violence Iași” - EN
Objective: Improving conditions offered to the victims of domestic violence, residents in the Social Centre for the Protection of the Victims of Domestic Violence Iași, functioning under the subordination of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Iași.
Component 1: Endowment of the centre, in order to be fully adapted to the victims’ needs;
Component 2: Providing efficient specialized services, aiming to develop personal and social autonomy of the victims, their professional reintegration, as well as developing the capacity of local authorities to implement in partnership with private entities programs aligned to quality and European standards to assist victims of domestic violence.
Project Promoter: General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Iași
Partner: Iași Branch - "Holt Romania Foundation Consultancy and Social Services for Children and Families"
Budget: 203.150,40 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
5. Project „Emergency Centre for the victims of domestic violence from Olt County” EN
Objective: Establishing an emergency centre for victims of domestic violence, as well as preventing and combating domestic violence through training, information, promotion, advertising and media activities.
Component 1: Setting up an Emergency Centre for the domestic violence victims to provide hosting, support and counselling by renovating and endowing a venue/location under the management of the General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Olt;
Component 2: Organizing an informative campaign for victims of domestic violence;
Component 3: Training of professionals involved in the fight against domestic violence.
Project Promoter: General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Olt
Partner: -
Budget: 286.279,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
6. Project „We help you to be safe - Rehabilitation centre for domestic violence victims Rm. Sărat” EN
Objective: Developing the existing social services at county level in order to ensure specialized intervention that can cover the entire needs of domestic violence victims.
Component 1: Establishing in Râmnicu Sărat a recovery centre for domestic violence victims to provide quality services at international standards;
Component 2: Raising awareness of the institutions, organizations and citizens on domestic violence phenomenon.
Project Promoter: General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Buzău
Partner: -
Budget: 340.002,22 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
7. Project „Network of support centres for the domestic violence victims– SOS violence” EN
Objective: Ensuring domestic violence victims access to effective and consistent support services by creating a network of support centres at inter-regional South-East / North-East level.
Component 1: Establishing and diversification of the services in 3 support centres for victims of domestic violence in the municipalities of Brăila and Galați, South-East region and Vaslui, North-East region;
Component 2: Providing support services to a number of 200 victims of domestic violence from Galati, Braila, Tulcea and Vaslui counties;
Component 3: Developing a public-private partnership consortium nationwide consisting of 15 relevant stakeholders and developing an inter-regional strategy for 5 years in order to increase the efficiency of support services to victims of domestic violence.
Project Promoter: The Foundation for helping the Elderly
Partners: The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Galati, AURA Association 2010, Directorate of Social Assistance Braila, The Association for Educational, Economic and Social Development DANUBIUS, Association for Recovery FITOMED Vaslui, The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Vaslui, Police Inspectorate Galaţi
Budget: 287.680,00 Euro, out of which 258.825,7 Euro grant and national co-financing ensured by the promoter and project partners - private entities amounting 28.850 Euro
8. Project „ Rehabilitation centre for domestic violence victims in Vaslui”
Objective: Setting up a recovery centre for victims of domestic violence in Vaslui and promoting the established facilities among the population of Vaslui County.
Component 1: Setting up a recovery centre for domestic violence victims in Vaslui and making it operation to provide social services to victims;
Component 2: Promoting the newly developed services by carrying out an awareness campaign.
Project Promoter: General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Vaslui
Partner: -
Budget: 185.360,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
1. Project „National campaign for public awareness and information on domestic violence” EN
Objective: Preventing domestic violence, promoting gender equality and combating gender stereotypes, as well as sexual discrimination in the family by organizing and running a national awareness campaign.
Component 1: Increasing the level of information, sensitivity and public awareness on the rights conferred by the law, as well as on the attributions of the institutions responsible in preventing and combating domestic violence phenomenon, gender-based and gender equality violence;
Component 2: Increasing awareness of the professionals in the field about their competencies to prevent domestic violence, promote gender equality in the family context and regarding the support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence;
Component 3: Raising awareness and involving politicians and media in promoting gender equality, preventing and combating domestic and the gender-based violence.
Project Promoter: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly through the Department for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
Partner: -
Budget: 211.446,00 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
2. Project „CONSENS: Awareness raising campaign on the negative effects of domestic violence in the regions Bucharest-Ilfov and South Muntenia” EN
Objective: Raising awareness and sensitizing Roma domestic violence victims regarding their rights and available tools to respond to domestic violence.
Component 1: Increasing the awareness of Roma domestic violence victims on their rights and available protection means by organizing 12 informative local seminars;
Component 2: Increasing the number of protection orders requested by Roma women victims of domestic violence and issued in the regions Bucharest-Ilfov and South-Muntenia by disseminating information materials, and by producing and broadcasting a video intended to describe in detail the procedure for requesting, processing, granting and enforcement of the protection order.
Project Promoter: The Association Club Ecotur Dora D’Istria
Partner: European Women Association for Social and Economic Development
Budget: 191.350,00 Euro, out of which 171.857,79 Euro grant and national co-financing ensured by the promoter and project partners - private entities amounting 19.492,21 Euro
3. Project „Together for Change” EN
Objective: Carrying out an awareness campaign on domestic violence phenomenon in the central region, namely the counties of Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures, Alba, Sibiu, addressed to the persons belonging to vulnerable groups and targeting the communities with high percentage of Roma.
Component 1: Raising awareness and sensitizing the local communities regarding domestic violence through articles, press releases, interviews, radio and TV broadcasts, through local media;
Component 2: Facilitating the access to support services for the victims of domestic violence;
Component 3: Developing an anti-violence operational plan which will include strategies to prevent and combat violence.
Project Promoter: AEPADO – European Association for Human Rights Protection
Partner: UNIT Association
Budget: 192.213,56 Euro, out of which 172.992,20 Euro grant and national co-financing ensured by the promoter and project partners - private entities amounting 19.221,36 Euro
1. Project „CONNECT - CONstruct NEtwork in Counselling for Trauma” EN
Objective: Developing and consolidating the services related to domestic violence, through the transfer of knowledge and specific skills to the professionals responsible for preventing and combating domestic violence, belonging to the territorial structures of ministries, local governments and NGOs, in the central and northwest regions.
Component 1: Developing a Training Program for the specialists working in the field of domestic violence, through the elaboration of a Training Manual for the specialists network, a Trainer’s Guide and training of trainers to ensure uniform training of specialists;
Component 2: Increasing the knowledge, skills and emotional capacity of the specialists with responsibilities in preventing and combating domestic violence;
Component 3: Increasing the efficiency of collaboration and inter- and intra-institutional coordination in activities of prevention and intervention in domestic violence, by conducting training sessions in mixed groups, with representation from all major professional categories with competences in the field according to the law.
Project Promoter: Transilvania University of Brașov
Partners: The Centre for Prevention of Domestic and Societal Violence within Babeș-Bolyai University; the Psychological Research Centre within Lucian Blaga University; Violence against Women Association – ARTEMIS; TISIP Foundation from Norway
Budget: 246.556,40 Euro, ensured completely from the financial allocation to the Programme
2. Project „Preventing and combating violence against children by training specialists in three key areas: child protection, education and health” EN
Objective: Strengthening the process of preventing and combating domestic violence on children by training the professionals working in the field.
Component 1: Developing a kit regarding domestic violence on children, through a consultative process with relevant factors, to be piloted by trained professionals in their current activity;
Component 2: Training a number of 300 specialists with responsibilities in preventing and combating violence against children, from Bucharest and the counties of Iasi, Mures, Suceava and Timis. The training will focus on improving knowledge of the framework for preventing and combating domestic violence and the ability to prevent and intervene in cases of domestic violence on children.
Project Promoter: Save the Children Romania
Partner: REDD BARNA (Save the Children Norway)
Budget: 210.948,50 Euro, out of which 189.832,13 Euro grant and national co-financing ensured by the project promoter amounting 21.116,37 Euro