Pre-defined projects

The pre-defined projects are those projects whose peculiarities (promoters, beneficiaries, objectives, results, activities etc.) are set together with the donor state, either at the moment of the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding, being as such comprised by it, either at a later point, being included under the related financial programme, their selection not depending on the organisation of a call of proposals.


For the predefined projects related to the financial programmes managed by the Ministry of Justice as Programme Operator, please consult the sections below. These represent project ideas accepted by the donor state, under the approved financing programmes.

Predefined Projects - RO20


1. Pre-defined project „JAD – Joint Action against Domestic violence” 

Objective: Enhancing the capacity of the judicial authorities in Romania in fighting domestic - gender-based violence

Activities: Romanian specialists – police officers and magistrates – trained in the field of fighting domestic violence, gender-based violence and discrimination, including by providing them with a best practice guide in the field.

Project Promoter: General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police

Partners: The National Institute of Magistracy (NIM), The Public Ministry (PM), Police Academy ''Alexandru Ioan CUZA'', Institute of National Economy- Romanian Academy , The National Police Directorate in Norway (NPD), The Council of Europe (CoE)


2. Pre-defined project “Best practice model on assistance for victims of trafficking in human beings – Pilot project”   

Objective: The project purpose is to strengthen the capacity of the Romanian victims’ assistance system to comply with the relevant international anti-trafficking instruments by investing in human capital development and by creating evaluating the national assistance system of trafficking in human beings, in accordance with international standards. 

Component 1: evaluation of the national assistance system in accordance with the specific Standards for Specialised Assistance Services provided to human trafficking victims approved through the Government Decision 1238/2007, 

Component 2: training of 135 Romanian specialists with competencies in the field of trafficking in human beings;

Component 3: awareness raising activities on risks associated with human trafficking with a particular focus on Roma communities.

Project Promoter: the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons

Partners:  Council of Europe, Oslo Police, the Directorate General for Social Assistance of Bucharest Municipality and the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police


Project results: EN

Predefined Projects - RO23


1. Pre-defined project Strengthening the capacity of the Bacau prison for minors and youngsters to comply with the relevant international human rights instruments” 

Objective: Strengthened capacity of Bacău penitentiary, in particular, and of the penitentiary system, in general, to efficiently assist the educational and psycho-social recovery of minors and youngsters deprived of liberty.

Component 1: Renovations and endowments at the level of the Bacău Penitentiary, Tîrgu Ocna Reeducation Centre, as well as at the level of the Craiova and Tichilești Detention Centres;

Component 2: Development of an educational and psycho-social recovery programme and of an evaluation tool of the relapse risk of minors and youngsters deprived of liberty;

Component 3: Improvement of the professional competence and knowledge of the prison staff working with minors and youngsters deprived of liberty.


Project Promoter: the National Administration of Penitentiaries


Partners: Bjørgvin Prison from Norway, the Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy (KRUS)), Bacău Prison, the Re-education Centre Târgu Ocna, Craiova Detention Centre, Tichilești Detention Centre.

 Project results: EN

2. Pre-defined project Establishing a therapeutic community centre for women in Gherla Prison”   

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of the Gherla prison, in particular, and of the penitentiary system, in general, to efficiently assist the psycho-social recovery of women deprived of liberty.

Component 1: Establishing and endowing with equipment a therapeutic community centre for women in Gherla Prison;

Component 2: Development of a special psycho-social recovery program and clinic protocols for the assistance of women deprived of liberty who suffer from depression, anxiety or personality disorders;

Component 3: Improvement professional competence and knowledge of prison staff working with women deprived of liberty.


Project Promoter: the National Administration of Penitentiaries


Partners:  Bredveit Prison from Norway and Gherla Prison.

Project results: EN


3. Pre-defined project Setting up an eco–reintegration mechanism for inmates”   

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of the penitentiary system in order to facilitate through an eco-mechanism the reintegration process of the ex-inmates

Component 1: Training of inmates (with accent on Roma inmates) in eco-construction and traditional crafts, by building 5 eco-houses in Delta Danube, at Grindu Tătaru, which will serve as crafts workshops and will be used for organizing awareness events;

Component 2: Training of prison staff for creating and implementing a human ecology detention system;

Component 3: Increasing awareness and involvement of the society as regards the social reintegration of inmates and ex-inmates (with accent on Roma inmates)


The special target group of the project consists in inmates of Roma origin.


Project Promoter: the National Administration of Penitentiaries


Partners: Region South from Norway, Tulcea Prison, Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23 Association as consortium leader and its partner Romano ButiQ;


Project results: EN

4. Pre-defined project Strengthening the capacity of the penitentiary system in the area of human capital development at the level of prison staff” 

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of the penitentiary system in the area human capital development.

Component 1: Development of a Human Resources Strategy, as well as other special training instruments for the prison staff;

Component 2: Improvement of the professional competence and knowledge of prison staff;

Component 3: Rehabilitation and endowment of the Centre for Training and Specialization for the National Administration of Penitentiaries’ officers - Arad


Project Promoter: the National Administration of Penitentiaries


Partners: the Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy (KRUS) and Arad Prison – the Centre for Training and Specialization for the National Administration of Penitentiaries Officers.


Project results: EN


5. Pre-defined project Strengthening the capacity of the Romanian probation system for delivering effective alternative to prison interventions”   

Objective: Improving the overall performance of the Romanian probation system, through developing the organizational management in probation and improving its working tools.

Component 1: Development of the organizational management of the probation system;

Component 2: Improvement of the working tools, capacity and practice of the probation system;

Component 3: Improvement of the capacity of the probation system to provide specific assistance for Roma offenders under probation supervision improved;

Component 4: Improvement of the working conditions of the probation staff and of the functioning of the probation services.


Project Promoter: the National Probation Directorate


Partners: Rogaland Probation Office from Norway

Project results: EN

6. Pre-defined project “Strengthening the capacity of the pre-trial detention system to comply with the relevant international human rights instruments” 

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of the pre-trial detention system to comply with the relevant international human rights instruments.

Component 1: Training of police staff working in the police pre-trial detention centres, with a special focus on protection of human rights;

Component 2: Endowment of pre-trial detention centres.


Project Promoter: the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police


Partners:  Council of Europe 

Project results: EN

Predefined Projects - RO24


1. Pre-defined project “Strengthening the capacity of the Romanian judicial system to face new legislative and institutional challenges”   

 Objective: Enhancing the capacity of the National Institute of Magistracy to improve the professionals skills of magistrates and contribute to the unification of the New Codes jurisprudence as well as supporting the activity of the Superior Council of Magistracy, the National Institute of Magistracy, the National School of Clerks, the Public Ministry, the Judicial Inspection and of the courts, through ensuring the necessary technical and IT equipment. 

Component 1: Training (magistrates, clerks, judicial inspectors, lawyers, mediators) on the following topics: the new judicial codes, CEDO jurisprudence, court management, integrity, case and time management, mediation;

Component 2: Endowment: IT&C equipment (Superior Council of Magistracy, National Institute of Magistracy, National School of Clerks, Judicial Inspection); forensic investigation equipment (Public Ministry); office equipment (courts). 

 Project Promoter: Superior Council of Magistracy

 Partners: Norwegian Courts Administration, Council of Europe, Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, National Institute of Magistracy, National School of Clerks,  Judicial Inspection

 Project results: EN


 2. Pre-defined project “Improvement of the Electronic Court Register Information System (ECRIS)”   

 Objective: To increase the efficiency of the judicial system through best practice dissemination on the use of electronic case management systems, and through the consolidation of the networking and communication IT hardware infrastructure at the level of the judiciary.

Component 1: Elaboration of a study with recommendations on the use of case management systems for the improvement of the efficiency of the judicial system, and training of the relevant staff;

Component 2: Endowment of the judiciary with network and server type equipment.

 Project Promoter: Ministry of Justice

 Partners: Norwegian Courts Administration, Council of Europe

Project results: EN


3. Pre-defined project “Improving access to justice. An integrated approach with a focus on Roma and other vulnerable groups.”  

Objective: Improving the access to justice for the Roma population and other vulnerable groups. 

Component 1: A feasibility study – recommendations for improving access to justice of vulnerable groups (special focus on the Roma population);

Component 2: Setting up pilot legal assistance offices, elaboration of informative packages on the access to justice, awareness campaign for the popularisation of the legal assistance offices and the dissemination of the informative packages, workshops, seminars;

Component 3: Training for magistrates and lawyers in the area of combating discrimination for judges and lawyers

Project Promoter: Superior Council of Magistracy

Partners: Norwegian Courts Administration, Council of Europe


Project results: EN

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